Here are key highlights from July 2022 detailing global news and regulatory updates.
US & Canada
- Canada’s draft privacy Bill C-27, with analysis by legal expert Teresa Scassa on the bill’s definitions of anonymization and de-identification
- Canada and the UK take a new direction with their data protection legislation, claims the Executive Director of the Information Accountability Foundation (story also under EMEA)
- Canada’s proposed Artificial Intelligence and Data Act will likely lead to a new market for AI assurance
- US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to crack down on sites that falsely claim data is anonymized and is prepared to sue offenders
- US senators call for HIPAA to be updated to better protect the information of patients seeking reproductive healthcare
- US ADPPA (American Data Privacy and Protection Act) bill will be voted on by the House of Representatives, a first for a comprehensive privacy bill
- US needs an AI Bill of Rights now, claim policy experts
- EU regulators (EDPB and EDPS) and trade association (DIGITALEUROPE) react to the proposed European Health Data Space
- EU’s European Commission tells Dutch privacy watchdog that their recent interpretation of the GDPR is too strict, failing to strike a balance between data protection and freedom of undertaking
- EU and Chinese standard contractual clauses for cross-border transfers compared (story also under APAC)
- EU’s Data Governance Act in a one-page overview from the IAPP
- Mauritius’ Data Protection Act 2017 and its impact on clinical trials in that country
- Nigeria’s data protection bill scheduled to be passed by end of 2022, according to the country’s data security officer
- UK government unveils data reform bill and proposes AI regulations (including a comparison of the UK bill with European law)
- UK signs ‘in principle’ data adequacy agreement with South Korea (story also under APAC)
- UK and Canada take a new direction with their data protection legislation, claims the Executive Director of the Information Accountability Foundation (story also under US & Canada)
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- Asian data protection legislation since the start of 2021: A summary of updates for Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, and Mainland China
- Chinese and EU standard contractual clauses for cross-border transfers compared (story also under EMEA)
- Indonesian Personal Data Protection Bill targeted to be ratified in August, says member of House of representatives
- South Korea signs ‘in principle’ data adequacy agreement with the UK (story also under EMEA)
- No news from July 2022