July 2022

Data Privacy Frontline Report

July 2022

Here are key highlights from July 2022 detailing global news and regulatory updates.

US & Canada

  • Canada’s draft privacy Bill C-27, with analysis by legal expert Teresa Scassa on the bill’s definitions of anonymization and de-identification
  • Canada and the UK take a new direction with their data protection legislation, claims the Executive Director of the Information Accountability Foundation (story also under EMEA)
  • Canada’s proposed Artificial Intelligence and Data Act will likely lead to a new market for AI assurance
  • US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to crack down on sites that falsely claim data is anonymized and is prepared to sue offenders
  • US senators call for HIPAA to be updated to better protect the information of patients seeking reproductive healthcare
  • US ADPPA (American Data Privacy and Protection Act) bill will be voted on by the House of Representatives, a first for a comprehensive privacy bill
  • US needs an AI Bill of Rights now, claim policy experts


  • EU regulators (EDPB and EDPS) and trade association (DIGITALEUROPE) react to the proposed European Health Data Space
  • EU’s European Commission tells Dutch privacy watchdog that their recent interpretation of the GDPR is too strict, failing to strike a balance between data protection and freedom of undertaking
  • EU and Chinese standard contractual clauses for cross-border transfers compared (story also under APAC)
  • EU’s Data Governance Act in a one-page overview from the IAPP
  • Mauritius’ Data Protection Act 2017 and its impact on clinical trials in that country
  • Nigeria’s data protection bill scheduled to be passed by end of 2022, according to the country’s data security officer
  • UK government unveils data reform bill and proposes AI regulations (including a comparison of the UK bill with European law)
  • UK signs ‘in principle’ data adequacy agreement with South Korea (story also under APAC)
  • UK and Canada take a new direction with their data protection legislation, claims the Executive Director of the Information Accountability Foundation (story also under US & Canada)

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  • Asian data protection legislation since the start of 2021: A summary of updates for Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, and Mainland China
  • Chinese and EU standard contractual clauses for cross-border transfers compared (story also under EMEA)
  • Indonesian Personal Data Protection Bill targeted to be ratified in August, says member of House of representatives
  • South Korea signs ‘in principle’ data adequacy agreement with the UK (story also under EMEA)


  • No news from July 2022

Archiving / Destroying

Are you unleashing the full value of data you retain?

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Value Retention

Client Success

Client: Comcast

Situation: California’s Consumer Privacy Act inspired Comcast to evolve the way in which they protect the privacy of customers who consent to share personal information with them.


Are you achieving intended outcomes from data?

Your Challenge

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Unbiased Results

Client Success

Client: Integrate.ai

Situation: Integrate.ai’s AI-powered tech helps clients improve their online experience by sharing signals about website visitor intent. They wanted to ensure privacy remained fully protected within the machine learning / AI context that produces these signals.


Do the right people have the right data?

Your Challenges

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Usable and Reusable Data

Client Success

Client: Novartis

Situation: Novartis’ digital transformation in drug R&D drives their need to maximize value from vast stores of clinical study data for critical internal research enabled by their data42 platform.



Are you empowering people to safely leverage trusted data?

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Security / compliance efficiency


Client: ASCO’s CancerLinQ

Situation: CancerLinQ™, a subsidiary of American Society of Clinical Oncology, is a rapid learning healthcare system that helps oncologists aggregate and analyze data on cancer patients to improve care. To achieve this goal, they must de-identify patient data provided by subscribing practices across the U.S.


Acquiring / Collecting

Are you acquiring the right data? Do you have appropriate consent?

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Consent / Contracting strategy

Client Success

Client: IQVIA

Situation: Needed to ensure the primary market research process was fully compliant with internal policies and regulations such as GDPR. 



Are You Effectively Planning for Success?

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Build privacy in by design

Client Success

Client: Nuance

Situation: Needed to enable AI-driven product innovation with a defensible governance program for the safe and responsible use
of voice-to-text data under Shrems II.


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