Intro to Health Data Privacy

Data Privacy is core to driving value from sensitive health information

With the right approach, you can safely extract business value from your data, without compromising trust or regulatory compliance.

As you collect ever more sensitive health data, it increases in potential value. However, as regulations tighten, and public scrutiny grows, it becomes difficult to leverage this valuable information while simultaneously earning the trust of your stakeholders.

By investing in appropriate data privacy protection, your organization will be better positioned to thrive in the long term.

The first step to safely maximizing value from sensitive health data is understanding data privacy best practices.

Here are the answers to some fundamental questions our experts often hear from organizations interested in data privacy.

By demystifying concepts people often find confusing – particularly as they pertain to various data privacy techniques and regulations – these videos will enable you to more confidently determine the best approach for your business needs.

What is the difference between data masking, de-identification, and anonymization?

These terms come up often in discussions about data privacy, but their definitions are sometimes unclear. In this video, Grant Middleton, Privacy Analytics’ De-Identification Services Business Leader, explains what the terms mean and how they differ from each other.

What do I need to know about GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA to meet our regulatory and privacy obligations?

Depending on where you’re based, and where you do business, your data requires certain levels of regulatory compliance. In this video, Luk Arbuckle, Privacy Analytics’ Chief Methodologist, explains how you can tackle this problem head-on.

What is HIPAA de-identification?

The HIPAA Privacy Rule outlines specific ways to de-identify Protected Health Information (PHI). In this video, Luk Arbuckle, Privacy Analytics’ Chief Methodologist, breaks down the specifics to help you determine which approach is best for you.

Why should I use Expert Determination over Safe Harbor?

You need to choose a de-identification method that will give you the richest possible data for the lowest risk. In this video, Luk Arbuckle, Privacy Analytics’ Chief Methodologist, explains why Expert Determination is your best bet.

What do I need to know about transitioning from Safe Harbor to Expert Determination?

Switching de-identification methods might be the most valuable data decision your company can make. In this video, Luk Arbuckle, Privacy Analytics’ Chief Methodologist, covers the basics of switching.

Empower yourself with the industry best in de-identification training.

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Top Five Privacy Challenges

Unlock practical solutions to the most critical privacy challenges you face, while keeping your organization at the forefront of data protection. Additionally, gain valuable insights into effective privacy program management and stay well-informed about the ever-changing privacy landscape.

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Archiving / Destroying

Are you unleashing the full value of data you retain?

Your Challenges

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Value Retention

Client Success

Client: Comcast

Situation: California’s Consumer Privacy Act inspired Comcast to evolve the way in which they protect the privacy of customers who consent to share personal information with them.


Are you achieving intended outcomes from data?

Your Challenge

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Unbiased Results

Client Success


Situation:’s AI-powered tech helps clients improve their online experience by sharing signals about website visitor intent. They wanted to ensure privacy remained fully protected within the machine learning / AI context that produces these signals.


Do the right people have the right data?

Your Challenges

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Usable and Reusable Data

Client Success

Client: Novartis

Situation: Novartis’ digital transformation in drug R&D drives their need to maximize value from vast stores of clinical study data for critical internal research enabled by their data42 platform.



Are you empowering people to safely leverage trusted data?

Your Challenges

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Security / compliance efficiency


Client: ASCO’s CancerLinQ

Situation: CancerLinQ™, a subsidiary of American Society of Clinical Oncology, is a rapid learning healthcare system that helps oncologists aggregate and analyze data on cancer patients to improve care. To achieve this goal, they must de-identify patient data provided by subscribing practices across the U.S.


Acquiring / Collecting

Are you acquiring the right data? Do you have appropriate consent?

Your Challenge

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Consent / Contracting strategy

Client Success

Client: IQVIA

Situation: Needed to ensure the primary market research process was fully compliant with internal policies and regulations such as GDPR. 



Are You Effectively Planning for Success?

Your Challenges

Do you need help...


Build privacy in by design

Client Success

Client: Nuance

Situation: Needed to enable AI-driven product innovation with a defensible governance program for the safe and responsible use
of voice-to-text data under Shrems II.


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