Safely disclose clinical trial
data and documents
With so many stakeholders demanding more transparency, the pressure for drug makers to safely disclose clinical data and documents has never been higher. And as pressure rises, so too does the bar for privacy. You need solutions that both maximize transparency and protect the privacy of trial participants.
This opens the door for your company to share insight-rich trial information that boosts your brand image while driving advances in patient health.
Maximize clinical trial transparency while ensuring participant privacy
Privacy Analytics solutions remove what is identifying while preserving what is useful for research and secondary analysis. This approach not only ensures compliance with regulatory requirements (EMA Policy 0070, as just one example), it also maximizes data transparency.
Client Success
Story 1:
- Successfully de-identified and delivered useful structured trial data so it could be safely shared with medical researchers through a secure portal
Story 2:
- 90+ clinical study reports anonymized
- 100% of dossiers delivered on time
Story 3:
- Increased data-sharing throughput to over 35 studies per month, each comprised of structured data and a clinical study report document
Take the next steps to protect and build your brand
Anonymization as
a Service
Get efficient, reliable services to anonymize your documents and data with statistical proof of privacy protection and compliance.
Privacy Analytics
Automate the anonymization of clinical trial data and documents in your own IT environment.