Here are key highlights from December 2024 detailing global news and regulatory updates.
US & Canada
- Michigan Senate passes bill to establish personal data privacy act, now to be considered by the House of Representatives
- US company GoodRx settles $25 million class action lawsuit for wrongly sharing consumer health information with online platforms
- US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) publishes blog on measures for addressing digital security risks when using consumer data to develop products, including AI
- US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposes updates to the Security Rule under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), changes that could have “significant consequences” for organizations covered by HIPAA
- Utah becomes first US state to sign a regulatory AI agreement that outlines how an organization can use AI within the state
- EU’s European Data Protection Board (EDPB) releases opinion on the use of personal data in AI model development, including a discussion of when AI models can be considered anonymous
- EU’s EDPB clarifies rules on sharing data with third-country authorities
- EU’s EDPB calls for coherence of digital legislation such as the AI Act with the GDPR, emphasizing the value of legal certainty
- Monaco adopts personal data protection law to conform to the most rigorous European standards
- UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) solicits input on updated storage and access technologies guidance, formerly known as “detailed cookies guidance”
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- China to set up an AI technical committee to develop industry standards, attempting a balance between regulating the AI industry and fostering its growth
- New Zealand’s Privacy Commissioner releases the draft Biometrics Processing Privacy Code, which would establish additional privacy rules for agencies using biometric technologies and processing biometric information
- South Korea’s National Assembly passes comprehensive AI legislation, consolidating 19 proposals from various political parties and mirroring key themes in the EU AI Act
- Mexico’s government votes to dissolve country’s data protection authority, with a new authority to take its place that may have less independence